Posted by : Fabiano Gallindo Friday, September 01, 2006

Water (in its pure form) is a tasteless, odorless substance that is essential to all known forms of life. Our planet Earth could be called Water because 2/3 of it is covered by this precious substance that even make 75% of your body. Civilization has historically flourished around rivers and major waterways. Due to overpopulation in several regions of the world, the safe water supply is inadequate as of the year 2006 (and decades prior). Much of the world’s water systems are also aging and in need of major infrastructure improvements.

Current forecasts are that two thirds of the planet will have insufficient water by 2025, when it will be the natural resource more disputed at the majority of countries. In Brazil water in abundance exists, but it also exists the wastefulness and the compromizing of the sources.

DryWash creator Lito RodriguezWith a hose not very opened, 216 liters of water are spent in 30 minutes of laudering. The DryWash founder, Lito Rodriguez, set out to reverse this trend when he created the company in 1994. Armed with a solid management team and a unique product, he prepared to change the status quo and run a small business that has a compromissing with the future.

The main advantage DryWash holds over its rivals is an innovative line of vehicle cleaning solutions that have yet to be replicated with the same degree of quality and efficacy. As its name implies, the company has created products that wash every part of a car without the use of water. Aside from the clear environmental benefits, such as the estimated 450,000,000 liters of water DryWash saved in its first ten years, the superiority of the products themselves is still unmatched.

The original cleaner is a small pad that uses organic Carnauba wax local to Brazil which efficiently removes dirt from the vehicle’s surface with no harmful chemicals. This technology is so successful that it has created significant international interest, allowing DryWash to expand its services into Mexico, Portugal and Australia in addition to the fifty franchises and several mall units it already maintains.

Within Brazil, the company is creating a pro-business environment in an industry dominated by informality and illegal practices. The management team’s focus on operating the most efficient and professional business possible has paid off. New laws have greatly increased the penalty of buying and reselling products illegally, so foreign corporations prefer working with DryWash because of their prospects for future stability and growth. In addition, customers are drawn to the quality of the service and product, generating consistent press coverage and causing sales to increase exponentially. DryWash beat its own sales expectations of $2.4 million by generating $2.7 million in revenue in 2005. The company is continually adjusting its prospects upward, now to $5.46 million in sales for 2008. The DryWash system proved to be so popular, the office began getting calls from clients asking if the products could be used on planes and helicopters, prompting the founders to create a separate branch called DryWash Air.

The company has further improved its efficiency by creating management software that standardizes operations among franchises and car wash units. DryWash is now performing market research to expand its operations into the US with “Eleva,” a new, comprehensive line of sustainable cleaning products.

Sao Paulo, SP

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