Archive for July 2008
Brazil: The natural knowledge-economy
The landscape for innovation in Brazil is changing fast. Research budgets are rising. Brazilian scientists and innovators are at the forefront of developments from biofuels to genomics and software. And Brazil is now the fifteenth largest producer of scientific publications, up eight places in under a decade.
This report argues that Brazil is a ‘natural knowledge-economy’ where the intertwining of knowledge, skills and innovation with environmental and other natural assets holds the key to competitive advantage.
But in Europe, Brazil’s innovation capabilities are even less well understood than those of its ‘BRIC’ counterparts, China and India. This report assesses the prospects for science and technology-based innovation in Brazil over the next ten years. And it suggests how the UK and Europe can scale up collaboration with its new centres of excellence.
This report forms part of The Atlas of Ideas, a research programme on the new geography of science and innovation ( The project was conducted in partnership with the Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos (CGEE) in Brazil, and was generously funded by a consortium of partners listed on the inside cover.
Authors: Kirsten Bound
Publication Date: 8th July 2008
ISBN: 9781906693008
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