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Posted by : Fabiano Gallindo
Saturday, March 03, 2007
The Foundation Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) is a filantropic institution, located in three cities: São Paulo, in the Higienópolis quarter, Ribeirão Preto, in the California Garden quarter and in Sao Jose dos Campos.
FAAP was a small foundation destined to help and develop Fine Arts in 1947. Today it is considered one of the most important and respected Academic Institutions in Brazil.
FAAP was a small foundation destined to help and develop Fine Arts in 1947. Today it is considered one of the most important and respected Academic Institutions in Brazil.
The constant investment in culture, is a FAAP "brand" through the Museum of Brazilian Art (MAB), the FAAP Theater, FAAP College (founded in 1988), the library (created in 1959) and the facultieses.
The MAB has a heap of 2,500 works of Brazilian and foreign artists who have settled down here. Promotes workshops, courses and seminars, occupying an important place in the cultural life of the city. It holds international exhibitions with a great number of visitors.
The FAAP counts currently on 8 a thousand students in the graduation level, in seven facultieses: Business, Fine Arts, Communications, Law,Economics, Engineering and Computer Science, beyond 4,5 a thousand students in the level of post-graduation and the Executive MBA, considered one of the best of Brazil and a High School.
International Office of FAAP
903 Alagoas Street, Zip Code: 01242-902-São Paulo, Brazil
Phone: 55 11 3662-7159 - Fax: 55 11 3662-7103
Site: http://www.faap.br/ingles/index.htm