Posted by : Fabiano Gallindo Friday, April 28, 2006

A Brazilian study shows that design is considered a chief strategy for greater industrial competitiveness. Around half of the survey companies invested in design in 2003. The effort was greater in medium and large companies: 56,7%, against 43,2% of micro and small companies. And it pays off.

Compared to company gross revenues there was an increase in investment. In 2003, 18.7% of companies invested more than 2% of gross revenues in technology. For 2005, the forecast is that 30.6% of the companies should increase their investment in design.

The investments in design are showing generally profitable. About 55.6% of medium and large companies stated that the strategy increased their revenues, against 53.7% in micro and small companies. The areas presenting the most significant return in design were the pharmaceutical and food sectors.

Information according to the study on indicators of industrial competitiveness, published by CNI (The National Confederation of Industries) and Sebrae(Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service) [1]. The information in the study was collected between October 2004 and March 2005, and is based on a questionnaire, completed by 743 businessmen nationwide.

[1] Sebrae is a great partner of the small Brazilian entrepreneur. It is a non-profit private institution, supporting the development of small-sized business activity, a result of the union of both the public and private sectors, and the country's main fostering and research entities.

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Brazilian production engineer who works giving wings to the imagination of other Brazilian companies and their customers and helping them to implement their business with creativity and innovation.

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