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Vivo, the biggest Brazilian mobile operator, with more than 30 milions of customers, published its mobile service ranking. According to Vivo the most searched products are:
1st. Ringtones (2,5 millinos downloades ringtones /month)
2nd. News
3rd. Games (1 million downloaded games /month)
4th. Images (wallpapers and animations)
5th. Videos (150,000 videos downloaded /month)
In spite of that, there is a new generation of entrepreneurs whom discovered to gain money with that market behavior change that occured in the mobile market. Their work is to invent new features for a younger public, between 16 and 28 years, that like to play, to download music or to order messages for the mobile devices.Their products had growth to a US$ 250 million profit to the operators on mobile telephony in this year.
Of this total, it is calculated that those SMEs companies raised US$ 75 million. Five years ago, only a few companies (10, almost in academic area and universities) existed creating this type of content. Today, they are already about 120 in Brazil. And there are more people entering in the branch, also foreign ones, that sees Brazil as a promisse field for this kind of business.The new generation of entrepreneurs share somes common characteristics. They are young, with less than 30 years old, they love technology. Most of them begun their business before they gained the academic level. The have anticipated that the mobile phones, and not the computer, would bring the digital innovation to most of the brazilians. The country has today more than 80 million mobile users, as well 12 million internet users.
Some Vivo prices (feb 2006):
US$ 1.50 /ringtone
US$ 0.09 to 0.14 /news
US$ 3.00 /game
US$ 1.54 /image
US$ 1.50 /video
* Vivo (Telesp Celular Participações S.A. IBOVESPA: TSP, Tele Leste Celular Participações S.A. - IBOVESPA:TBE, Tele Sudeste Celular Participações S.A. IBOVESPA:ESD and Celular CRT Participações S.A. IBOVESPA:CRT, Tele Centro-Oeste Celular S.A. IBOVESPA:TRO), the largest cellular telephony market organization of the Southern Hemisphere, almost included in the group formed by the ten largest companies in the world within the industry, and the largest Brazilian company regarding number of customers. As a result of all this, the Top of Mind - VIVO brand, the cellular phone used by 20.7 million Brazilians, in accordance with data from December 2003.